Originally Posted by marthaolivia
If the woman is covered and cannot cut her hair, then the man's hair should be shaven (uncovered) One is either covered or uncovered. As for being separate from the world, it is easy to tell if a woman is Pentecostal (long hair, pale face, long skirts) but how does one know that a man is separate?
The UPC should require all men to be shaven bald. That would end any questions about how short is short (just as uncut hair ends the question "how long is long").
It would also be another mark of "seperation" that seems so important to OP's.
If they did this then not only would the women be easy to spot at Wal Mart and the Mall "showing their glory" but the men would be distinctive also!!!
As it is they can look like every other guy in the world. With my idea when you see a group of OP men you would KNOW they are "different" and "peculiar" (just like their wives) since they would all be bald as cue balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!