Re: This Is War. Seal the Borders. Stop the Visas.
well, 911 has been suspected of being a false-flag, marked by concurrent "training exercises" and all of the other by now recognizable telltales; comical official story, lack of straight answers, suppressed initial news items, emerging truth denied and lost amid the storm of irrelevant tripe, etc. So let's say "disputed," as i have no idea what happened. Funny you say "kill em all," though, as pretty much everyone with some truth to tell is now dead, or dying, or got a pass back to Israel.
And "Seal the borders and stop the visas is not really war mongering," perhaps--ahem--but "this is war" is, if those are not. Lol. So it becomes about what one wants to repeat, i guess. "Seal the borders, the sky is falling" prolly sounds like a safety measure to many, but it is really about a freedom that you had, even if you never used it, and now you are clamoring to have it taken away, a la 1984.
If you really believe "vetting" or some other ridiculous political notion is a problem, take one of your guns out to your back yard--the fenced-in part--and fire it, once. One time. Then see how long it takes for the cops to arrive. You are being lied to; right out of a manual. And i don't expect this post to make any difference. But it will be evidence against anyone, including me i guess.
Last edited by shazeep; 12-15-2015 at 02:03 PM.