Political Correctness Is Killing America
Funny---you should watch the Democrats painful dance around what to call terrorism for what it is: Radical Islam or Islamic Extremism. They don't want to attach the Islamic influence upon the terrorists.
"ISIS" is even being discarded for "Daesh", a term the Arabs use to call ISIS. Because ISIS is an acronym for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, the political correct police want us to change terms because ISIS connects these people to Islam.
Even here on AFF the contrarians immediately circle the wagons and try to tell us that the terrorists have nothing to do with Islam, or that our religion has terrorists too, or some other nonsense to try to find equivalency.
Simply ask this question: does the nation of Iran operate primarily as a political entity or does it identify as a religious entity?
The idea of a caliphate is a religious ideology, not political.
The president's first address to the nation mentions nothing of radical Islamists. He is the Politically Correcter in Chief. He has started to use Daesh over his much vaunted "ISIL". Using the L over the S because he administration doesn't want to admit that they have taken over parts of Iraq and Syria. L stands for "Levant" an ancient name for that part of the world.
Now he wants to close Gitmo and move the worst of the worst terrorists into the USA. Sheesh.
And so we go on afraid to call "Illegal Immigrants" as such but "Undocumented Immigrants". We are killing America because the thought police and speech police will jump all over you for being "offensive".
Well I'm offended at body parts of innocent victims in Paris. I'm offended at radicalized Islamic young men taking random shots at people sitting in a cafe. I'm offended at the consistent, violent, bloodthirsty agenda of these Muslims. I'm offended at the Twin Towers coming down with over 3,000 innocents dead.
I so hope we can elect a conservative or at least a conservative leaning president. Eight years of these politically correct, liberal, feckless leaders has greatly endangered us and the rest of the world.
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.