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Old 11-01-2015, 10:30 PM
JoReba JoReba is offline

Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 151
You Cannot Know Either Jesus or The Father.

Part of Professional Babbling is to make people think the Professional Church Babbler "knows Jesus and God." And, to sensationalize their weekly performances, the "Pentecostal" Babblers like to come up with "revelations from God." Then, they tell their pewsitters they too can have "revelations from God" if they seek anointing, have hands laid on their heads, fall over backwards, are "prayed over," and maybe "position themselves before The Lord."

But, if these so called "revelations from God" can be written down and looked at, it always turns out they contain no new information. At best, they only are what Scripture already says about Jesus and God. There is in them no revelation. Just restatement of what can be easily read. And, Scripture only talks ABOUT God and Jesus. Therefore, humans can only know some information ABOUT God and Christ. They cannot actually know them, not even through"revelation."

Now up will jump Precious Hearts with the Scriptures from Saul and John, which speak about "knowing God." Because Saul and John stated that is it then automatic that you than also will "know God" because those verses exist? If so, then prove you know God with strong evidence. Quoting Saul and John proves nothing. Lol.

Large evidence for this is in Scripture, that Jesus Christ and The Father cannot actually be known. If they could have been known by The Apostles and contemporaries of Christ, then:

1.) John would not have written "The Revelation of Jesus Christ," because Jesus Christ would have already bern revealed. Lol. This is a new thought for any smooth talking Pulpit Babbler.

2.) There would have been seamless unity within The Apostles and with Saul, but there was not.

3.) People today would never need to "seek the face of God," but they do. White Knuckled Babblers love to "seek the face of God," while trying to say they already "know God."

4.) There would be universal agreement upon all Doctrines today if those who claimed to "know God" actually did. Rather, no Doctrine exists which is not broadly disputed, with endless factions on all points.

5.) No Babbler today who claims to "know Jesus or God" can explain much of Scripture. Their teachings just gloss over the face of the Text. Ezekiel, for instance, has no explanation which serves Christendom. Revelation certainly has none. Nobody can say if The Sermon on the Mount with Jesus' Commands is instructional or just informational.

6.) If anyone today knew God or Jesus, they would be able to implement John 14:12 in their own life. But nobody can.

7.) If anyone today knew God or Jesus they would be able to administrate complex human geopolitics and socioeconomics, as did Joseph in Godless Egypt and Daniel in Pagan Persia. But, no such person exists.

8.) If anyone knew God or Jesus, they would be able to unite all denominationations, and produce one superior rendering of Scripture. But, nobody can.

9.) If anyone knew God or Jesus, they would be able to remember and obey all of Jesus' Commands as Jesus stated His "friends" do. But nobody can.

10.) If anybody knew God or Jesus they would have clear and authoritative axiomatic answers for the questions in this Forum over which the arrogant posters can only stumble around.

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