GQ Attacks Ben Carson: Racist To Attack Black Con?
I won't post the link but GQ has a commentary that is laced with cursing talking about how stupid Ben Carson is.
If ANYONE would say these things about our President they would be called a racist. But when the African American is a strong Christian Conservative, he's fair game.
The bottom of the totem poll of who you can attack in the media is white male conservatives. Just below that is a black male conservative. Alan Keyes, Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Herman Cane, and now Ben Carson.
If you are ultra liberal, you are intelligent, intellectual, and brilliant. Conservatives are always attacked as stupid baffoons. It's an old tactic. Liberals truly are sophomoric with their arguments. They can win arguments on the merits of their positions so they turn into 7th graders and call conservatives "stupid" and go personal with their attacks.
Ben Carson believes in Creation. He is a strong Christian. He is outspoken about his belief that Islam is dangerous for this country. He isn't politically correct. And horrors of all horrors---he doesn't follow the groupthink of the AA community and vote for and support our President and the Democrat Party.
Shame on GQ. Shame on liberals who cannot debate Carson on the merits of their arguments. Shame on those who personally attack BC because he doesn't march lockstep with their ideology.
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.