Originally Posted by good samaritan
I firmly believe the early church growth was because of the signs that followed the Church. Big, Medium,small, in a house, in a church building, if we start doing the exploits the early church did you are going to see the growth the way the early church grew. Our church is so tiny people that visit from other churches ussually make remarks, but I don't care. I pray for God to work miracles among us.
When people start coming up out of wheel chairs I don't think giving will be a problem. Is this common in your meetings? This was what was happening in the early church. I pray for your church right now as I type this. Lord prepare the hearts for a great revival.
The sign gifts that we see in Acts accompanied the preaching of the message of the Kingdom of God and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. They happened open air where all could see, not in a church building. We will not see them until we get the boldness to preach in the streets as the Apostles did.