So..I'm not a political expert by any means. But I do love history and have been reading and studying the history of our nation for the last several months. At one point I was almost anti-patriotic. My view has evolved a bit since then. Now, when I look at the History of our nation I cannot deny that God was involved in its foundation. I do not buy that we were a "Christian Nation" as far as biblical standards go...and I do not believe that we are a theocracy as many conservatives would make us to be. But I do believe that our founding fathers had the Bible in mind as they drafted the Constitution and I don't believe you can separate our foundation as a nation from faith in the divine, or providence, or God. I do believe that the nation has strayed from its roots and become something it was never intended to be.
So here is my question...where do you think God was as this nation was being founded? Where are we now in relation to our past (especially that revolutionary period)? Most importantly, where are we going and what does the future hold, in your opinion, for America?