The Damnable New International Version
By David J. Stewart
"...there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ" -
Galatians 1:7
Not too many believers have the heart of God nowadays. They have God's Holy Spirit living in their soul, but they've never yielded their mind and will to God. Many believers today are immature, not grounded in the Word. One of the big problems is that many believers are using corrupted Bibles.
I guarantee you that most of the professed Christians who deny the pre-tribulation rapture are using an NIV (New International Version) of the Bible. The NIV removes or changes 65,000 words as compared to the King James Bible. The only reliable English Bible today is the authorized 1611 King James Bible. God's word has been preserved in the English speaking language in the King James translation. As the King James translators said themselves...