Originally Posted by Godsdrummer
Spoken like a true pastor driven saint. And just where in scripture do you see enough to qualify a singular pastor?
What I see more in churches are saints that are more inclined to be obedient to a man than obedient to God.
Nowhere in scripture can it be found submit to the pastor to be saved, rather "study to show yourself approve" and "Seek out your own salvation with fear and trembling".
And if one wants to quote Hebrews 13:17, the word "obey" in that verse means "by persuasion" not out and out obedience just because he says he is the man of God!
And further more Jesus own words tell us that "we are not to be Lords".
Matt 20.
Some how we also seem to miss the Lords words when he tells us "not to be called teachers, fathers, or masters. Because you have one teacher, one father, and one master, Christ Jesus. Matt 23.
Plural leadership was always present in the church. We see a group of disciples in the early NT church making decisions, praying over who was to take positions in the assembly, etc. In Paul's letters to the churches, he always begins his address in the plural form to the saints and brethren, bishops and deacons.
example: Phil 1:1 "Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons."
Plural leadership.