Screaming and Fist Pounding
Why do UPC preachers scream so loud that their veins pop and why do they pound fists on podium? This scares my autistic son, but if we try other churches til we find one who doesn't do this, we have to get a letter. So to me, that prevents us from really shopping to find one who doesn't scare my son. To be honest, it scares me too. I feel like it means there are anger issues with the pastor. If I spoke to him like that, I'd have to be way beyond my breaking point. I've never been that angry at anyone. Other than the screaming and pounding, he's the best preacher I've had as far as what he says. I just wish he understood that my son and I believe him whether he shouts or not. I don't feel like he expects us to believe him. It's like he expects us to be belligerent.
Last edited by Anilew; 06-04-2015 at 06:52 PM.