White Civil Rights Movement?
To the left, to be white is to be racist inherently. The term "white privilege" and playing the race card are two of the left's favorite ploys.
Federal crime stats show that whites (70% of the population) are tens of times more likely to be a victim of a violent crime of a black aggressor (blacks being only 12% of the population) than vice versa. When was the last time you saw a white flash mob hunting down black by-standers to assault? Yet the media and law refuse to even acknowledge these racist attacks as hate crimes.
White on black rape is virtually non-existent in America while black on white rape is a daily occurrence.
Programs like affirmative action often cause better qualified whites to be passed over for jobs that go to minorities instead, just because they are a minority and not white.
Ivy league schools such as Harvard are now only 20% white in their student body.
Names of streets, schools and parks are being changed from the name of famous white people they are named after in the name of "diversity".
Every ethnic group under the sun has a special group promoting their "empowerment". The literature of these groups is often laced with anti-white bigotry.
Whether white people want to admit it or not, and in spite of our best efforts to stop viewing ourselves as white and to view ourselves and others as individual "Americans", we still are being alienated and singled out for discrimination.
So is it time then for whites to unite, as all other ethnic groups do, and demand an end to discrimination against Americans of European descent? Is it time for a "European American History Month"? Is it time for the creation of a "White Congressional Caucus"?
Again, whites are not the ones alienating themselves. Rather, official government and media policy is alienating Americans who happen to be of European descent.
Last edited by Originalist; 04-28-2015 at 06:43 PM.