Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
He lied then he covered the lie when he said he was waiting to post pictures.
The Church Center for the United Nations, located across from the United Nations headquarters, came about after church leaders had worked to build support for the Declaration of Human Rights and urged government leaders to ratify agreements that supported the Declaration. In 1960 a dream for a Christian center that would support the work of the United Nations emerged and became a reality in 1962 when the building was dedicated. Owned by the United Methodist Church, it houses tenants such as Church Women United, the American Baptists, the Presbyterians, the World Council of Churches, the Methodist Division of World Peace, and the United Church of Christ. Also housed at the Church Center is the Office of the Anglican Observer.
The rest of you believe a lie if you think "an Apostolic at Hillman Chapel" is something special. Everyone BUT Apostolics holds services over there.
As to posting pictures, Hillman Chapel posts pictures of Hillman Chapel. It is not "in the UN" it is across the street from the UN
ANYONE can post a picture. There are hundreds of them available online.
So why claim you can't post pictures? Why use the same picture over and over? Everyone else posts their own. Some weird stuff going on over there in that chapel if you ask me - LOL - so if howling villagers can take and post pictures why can't he?
He waited for clearance due to the high level people attending...
you have upset me with this "lie" agenda..
they have service in the chapel monthly --
but in the UN on the 27th floor
quit playing games.. the pictures are everywhere.. in some pictures you can see out the window and can know for sure its in the UN on the 27th floor..
What you need to do is look at all the pictures from the 27th floor and do all your research to see if its in the UN on the 27th floor then come back and tell us what you find.. Then once you find that they are telling the truth --- you apologize for these lies..
other wise you are the true deceiver here...