A Jewish Takeover?
All my life I've been a staunch supporter of Israel and so far don't plan on changing that. Anyone with half a brain can tell Israel is the only normal country in the middle east. However, I don't share the zest and zeal many Christians have concerning American intervention in Israel's affairs, also known as "supporting Israel". America simply needs to mind her own business. I see nothing in the Bible that compels any nation to give financial and military aid to Israel, particularly a bankrupt super power.
Lately I've been studying the writings of some who feel there is a conspiracy among the world's Jewish elite for world domination. Sadly, many of their concerns seem to have some validity. I've often scratched my head in bewilderment as to why most Jews in the free world are ultra-liberal. Bottom line, it seems that many of the "mass, multicultural immigration" advocates in Europe are Jews. I've watched many an interview by these people proudly boasting how the natives of the European nations are one day going to be in the minority in their own countries, and are proud to be a part of making this a reality. Yet these same people send their kids to Jewish camps where they are taught Jewish elitism and segregation. They are reminded that they are Jews and superior. It seems they view white Europeans as their one true threat and thus want them conquered or watered down by other gentiles from the third world.
Where I disagree with these who are raising concerns about "the Jewish takeover" is they don't seem to be able to separate their dislike for the Jewish agenda from their dislike of Israel. Every thing I've seen seems to point that liberal Jews seem to stab Israel in the back every chance they get. So I don't see how Israel is behind any of this "take over".
Let me be quick to add that none of the sources I've studied are in any way sympathetic to Hitler or the Nazis. In fact one of their biggest criticisms is that the Jewish elite are using Hitler's playbook.
What say yall?