There is no one on earth who is holy, perfect, and pure!........ and this you can take to the bank
On the other hand, He who is in us is Holy, Perfect, Pure, is available to be completely formed in us (the Body of Christ on earth) providing we learn the truth of the doctrines of the foundation of Christ in us as listed in He.6;1-2. Without us assimilating the truth of these doctrines Christ cannot be formed in us.
Unfortunately, if what we learn about these foundational doctrines of Christ in us is not the truth, the spirit who is guiding us is not Christ in us but an impostor appearing as Christ in us as prophesied by Paul.
What Christians need to be able to do is allow Christ in us to become us. However, for this to happen we (the spirit of man AKA Adam in us ) needs to die before the fulness of the Spirit of Christ can be formed in us. Otherwise, all we will have in us is Christ the seed, instead of what we need to have in us that is Christ the full grown tree of life in us
This is easier said then done because the only thing that can displace the darkness of sin in us is the presence of the truth of He who has no sin in us.
Consequently, if a Christian is believing in the false doctrines of the foundation of Christ in us as taught in most of todays churches, it is not Christ in them who is guiding them day in and day out, but an impostor sent by Satan to fool them so they do his will and not the Will of God in the churches who claim His Name.