Originally Posted by Felicity
Hi Timmy ....
I think God may have already left you OR you left Him (one or the other or both) ... to reject His power and anointing in your life. Something's terribly wrong for sure.
Thanks for your concern, Felicity, but it isn't necessary.
1. God hasn't left me. I know this from His Word. He promised He would never leave me nor forsake me.
2. I have not left God. I know this from my own faith. I am following the path He has for me.
3. I have not rejected His power or anointing. I just have a very different view of what those are, now.
To go into more detail would probably be a violation of the rules. It would look like "tearing down Apostolic doctrine". If I've already stepped over that line, I apologize. It was almost always in response to questions asked of me, but maybe I should have kept my mouth shut!