Originally Posted by shag
The church can meet to study scripture together(instead of one man yelling his interpretation while others yell back "preach it pastor!"), discuss together life's challenges in each of our lives and biblical answers to conquer those challenges(instead of trying to answer life's challenges by weekly running a circle around the "sanctuary" screaming and stumbling into everyone else at the last verse of "catch on fire"), and in regard to the working of miracles if they are in operation within the church which is the people then they should not be limited to Gods "holy house" but wherever the people physically are in their daily lives.
Stop trying to win (sucker) new converts into thinking church(people not a holy bldg) is all about life INSIDE a 4 walled holy bldg.
For starters.
Sorry for any ranting, just lately where I'm at seems everything is all about involvement around a holy bldg.
You don't find Peter preaching in an open discussion format. He declared the word of God. I don't find people running and screaming in hysteria in the scripture, but nowadays people don't even want to even clap their hands in church. It would be a breath of fresh air to see someone get excited sometimes about the goodness of God. I call it worship.