Re: Hamas guilty of war crimes says Amnesty
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
When the occupying soldiers who are oppressing these people return to their own country and their own borders you will then be free to take the high road. Otherwise, it is my view that as long as their kids are being knocked around by courageous IDF "heroes" in their own neighborhoods then those people have the right to defend themselves by any means necessary.
Deliberately antagonizing these people through their children and by withholding basic necessities is a legitimate cause for war. Expanding for settlers from Eastern Europe is not. There are 4,661 people per square kilometer in Gaza. The reason weapons are around civilian areas there is because there is nothing there but crowded civilian areas. Where else would weapons be? What a laugh. Pack these people as tight as possible then declare "war crime" when they fight back from the area you packed them into? Find a hobby.
So, your solution is a "two-state" solution?
What would be the borders of each state?
If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under - Ronald Reagan