Originally Posted by good samaritan
All the Pentecostal ladies I am associated with will throng guests to make them feel welcome (no matter how they look). After someone has entered into a covenant with Jesus then it is natural for people to expect to see a lifestyle change, or at least the start of one. For many OP's that means how you dress. I don't believe most are meaning to be mean at all. Sometimes it may be viewed as they are judging, but if a new convert continued in what you define as sin wouldn't that cause you to doubt.
If a person you knew after coming to Jesus only wore stringy halter tops and super mini skirts that just barely covered their drawers, would that cause you to wonder. You may not say anything, but if that continued over a extended period of time, would you have trouble viewing this person as a saint in the Lord. If someone comes into our assemblies and wants to be a recognized member, and they don't agree with the church's teaching then they should expect that it is going to cause some funny looks.
A church should not change its standards to make people happy, but only to have biblical accuracy. I read recently that a large Presbyterian denom. recently changed their bylaws to include homosexuals. The world wants us to drop every biblical position that we hold until we no longer have an identity. Essentially John the baptist was beheaded because he condemned Herod for telling him he was wrong.
I know there is more to a person then what they wear. I want to be holy in all manner of conversation, and that means in our lifestyle. In every part of my life I need to live uprightly before God.
Hmmm. I'm not sure really what much of what you said had to do with what I said....
My main point was that I was snubbed by apostolics no matter what I looked like. Before I was apostolic.... and, no, not a worldly person because I did have the Holy Ghost.... I was snubbed. When I was a "new" apostolic....and, no, I did not become apostolic in a church building because it was the Spirit of God that showed me I needed to be baptized in Jesus name....I was snubbed. I've been snubbed ever since.... even while apparently looking the part because some of my friends told me within the past couple of months that they thought I was "old school" apostolic. Now, I'm not saying I've been snubbed by all, but certainly by many... and I've never understood it because I know for myself... When I got the Holy Ghost, Jesus turned my frown upside down. How hard is it to smile at someone who is smiling at you? I don't find it has been very difficult for most people on the street to smile back at me even when I haven't even been trying to engage them, yet my "Sisters" and "brothers" often had no problem acting like I was invisible.
I never dressed immodestly in their presence or asked any pastor to change his rules. I never even vocalized my POV on any dress standard.... and I certainly would never "fellowship" among people who considered perversion acceptable...