Originally Posted by n david
Disagree away, JD. Blowhard: "A person who talks too much or too loudly, especially in a boastful or self-important manner."
Listen to obama give a speech, then count the times he says, "me, my and I."
I can't stand Limbaugh, and honestly I'd never vote for Giuliani, but obama is the definitive blowhard.
Likewise, obama has milked the killing of bin laden for all he can get. His speeches set records for the use of first person singular references, including 199 references to himself in a speech last July declaring unilateral action. That's a first person singular reference to himself every 15 seconds! Talk about a blowhard! He also used the fps reference 99 times in announcing unilateral action on immigration this past November.
obama is the very definition of blowhard. You just disagree because he's your idol.
President Obama isn't a blowhard because he happens to still occupy an important position.
Furthermore, he doesn't mention the killing of OBL every time he speaks or even most of the time he speaks.
Besides, even if he did, it is at least some thing he had something to do with. He called the shots as Cmdr in Chief.
With Giulli, 9/11 happened to him.