Originally Posted by mfblume
I would not say the same thing, but related very closely.
It reminds me of the ark of the covenant that was sprinkled with the blood, as our hearts are sprinkled, with both beyond the veil. There is some kind of connection withe our hearts and Heaven, as Jesus sits on the thrones of our hearts as well as in Heaven. I think it has something to do with us seated together with Him in heavenly places, while we still walk this earth.
In the Ark of the covenant, only the High Priest saw what was happening behind
the veil. The Lord Jesus is now our high Priest, but we are ALL given to see past
the veil because He bore our sins on the cross. But there remains one little problem:
most "christians" only see the man; that is, the carpenter's son. They are like Thomas
before he saw the resurrected Christ.
Here's a thought: every doctrine
subsequent to the gospel must correspond to the
gospel. It is NOT the gospel that must correspond to the doctrine! Most denominations
point to how their gospel aligns to their doctrine...which is a deception! And we have,
now, the spirit of the anti-christ being accepted by most denominations...even in this forum.
It's the GOSPEL, people! That should be our point of agreement.