Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
Yet we are discussing an article about a group that was having services outside the compounds and embassies.
You posted that article in this thread in post #36 to "prove" some long lost irrelevant point. After you posted that report I answered it with this:
“It was reported to ICC that 27 of the group were held overnight and then released the next day (Saturday),” Todd Daniels, the religious freedom group’s Middle East manager, told Aleteia today. “One of the men, a leader of the group, was held until Sunday morning. ICC was told that the explanation for that was that a sponsor for his visa was out of the country and had to be consulted before he was released.”
The Saudi Gazette, basing its article on Alsharq daily of Qatar, reported that officers of the “Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice” (known as the Haia) responded to a resident’s report of “suspicious activities” in a house in the city of Khafji.
Daniels said the persons arrested were largely expatriate workers from South Asia. “They have met regularly for quite some time without serious incident,” he said.
That one. The one where they met quite regularly for some time. In a house. Not in an embassy or compound.
And what happened? They were arrested. And why were they arrested? Because it's against SA law for Christians or any other non-islamic people to have services according to their faith.
If anything, that upholds my argument that SA does not allow church meetings in the general public, outside of compounds or Embassies.
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
You posted the report about it. You later stated (your words are in Post 127)
"They all are in non-descript buildings, hidden away in Embassies or compounds - both of which are free areas where the SA "Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice have no authority."
So you know that also. In knowing that, and in posting a report about a home that was raided, you knowingly (accidentally - grin) posted a report about a service being held outside a compound.
Now you are pretending you did not.
"Nowhere does any report I've posted state that there are services outside the compounds or Embassies. " is thus and therefore an untrue statement.
Are you illiterate? Go back and read the reports I posted. Not the news quote I used to prove it's against SA law for Christians to meet together. Go look at the reports I posted and show me where any state that there are services outside the compounds or Embassies.
I'll give you an A for effort, but an F for the total grade, because you're wrong.
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
NOTE: That is how you prove a lie.
No, that's how you prove yourself to have a reading comprehension problem