Originally Posted by Esaias
(1) The word "lucifer" does not appear in either the hebrew or greek. It DOES appear in the Latin Vulgate and the KJV. Lucifer is a latin translation for haylel which was the name for the planet Venus.
(2) But all that is irrelevant for Isaiah 14 declares "lucifer" was the king of Babylon, not some fallen angelic choir director.
(3) Genesis 2 speaks of the nachash (serpent). It says nothing of the devil, satan, or Lucifer. Paul spoke of the serpent as well but did not teach the serpent was Satan or that it was possessed by the devil.
(4) Perhaps you believe there is a literal seed of the serpent which persecuted Christ and which are literally, physically descendants of the devil?
(1) OK, putting the name "lucifer" to the side; do you prefer another name in lieu?
(2) So you are using a literal (natural) reading of
Isa. 14?
(3) Another "literal" (natural) reading?
(4) No, I do not follow W. Branham...never did.