Originally Posted by Steve Epley
Elder Blume some of us are rooted in the past and wish we could have stayed there so we are taking it with us and make no apologies for it.
Whatever floats your boat. I am just saying that there comes a time when a time-limited issue that no longer applies to today shoudl be dropped. After all, men stopped wearing robes a long time ago.
Archaic it might be I will not argue but there am I ole archaic me. And I am happily archaic. I have not been impressed with very many so-called progressives in the last 40 years.
The same could be said by a robe-wearing monk.
Their path is not desirable to me. We speak a different language only a few words are the same. Dialouge is difficult at best. You know when the temple was built the young men shouted for joy because they had not seen Solomon's temple in it's beauty but the old men wept they remembered.
I cannot see any comparison with a little ruling that is outdated since it revolved around hippies where about one can only be found today wrinkled up and in a corner of a little tavern ever 500 miles apart.