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Old 01-04-2015, 09:42 PM
J.A. Perez's Avatar
J.A. Perez J.A. Perez is offline
NW Acts 2:38 Son

Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 361
Re: New here, with a question.

Originally Posted by Seeking View Post
I am new to this forum and thought I would ask a question.
I was raised apostolic in the AMF (AFC) and am married to someone who was raised Southern Baptist. We have recently been attending a UPC church, but we are finding it to be a difficult fit. My spouse has been baptized in Jesus Name and received the Holy Ghost, but does not believe many of the holiness standards are scriptural. Because we do not comply with the preached holiness standards, we feel like "perpetual visitors" that do not fit. For me, attending a trinitarian church is not an option. For my spouse, living an apostolic lifestyle is not an option. Are there more progressive churches that are still oneness? Can anyone refer me to a church that might fit our family? We live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Thank you in advance.
I sympathize with your struggle, When my wife first got in church, standards were a huge issue for her. My first pastor didn't preach standards at all. So I wasn't much help. We moved to California and under the recommendation of my first pastor we went to church with Bro. Klann. I just submitted to the teaching and prayed. I met with my pastor time and time again over Standards of Holiness. He preached it and I was hungry. After my wife received the Holy Ghost things became easier, but the battle wasn't over. I got ahold of preaching tapes, prayed more and asked God if all this was necessary. Soon we realized that we were at and around church and fellowship so much that we no longer watched TV. So we canceled our Cable service. Then we were never home long enough to watch movies on VHS. So we got rid of the TV. I was a sports fanatic and we loved to watch Soul Train' but after being around Church and the people of God so much and listening to preaching, We lost our desire for sports and disco dancing. Then God showed me dancing was to be done for him and in his presence, he also showed me that The heroes of sports are nothing more than a replacement for the Heroes of the faith, namely men like Joshua, Moses, Daniel, Job etc...
The more time I spent in prayer and around people of like precious faith the easier it became. I encouraged my wife to spend time with the older ladies in our church. Old Sister Flonnie Webb was a huge influence to her and I. She was an old time retired Evangelist, her and her husband blazed trails across America in the 50's 60'sand 70's.
We soon fell in love with pleasing the Lord. Standards were not an issue for us after that. There wasn't a preacher that could preach it hard enough. We would live it because we loved it and still do.
All I can say sis is, don't leave the church you are going to, no matter how hard it gets. Don't go to a Trinitarian church no matter what anyone on this forum says. In fact the bible says along with Peace, to pursue Holiness, run it down , chase after it. Never back away from it.

I have scripture for your situation that might help, 1st Pet chapter 3 vs 1 and 2
1. Likewise ye wives be in subjections to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; 2. While they behold your chased conversation coupled with fear.

This is the bibles recipe, how a woman wins her lost husband to God.
Your behavior, actions and all manner of lifestyle will be a testimony to him and will intern win him to God.

We will be praying for you and your husband.
Im just doing my best, untill I learn to do better. Thank God I'm not what I used to be!
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