In case anyone is following what is going on in the Senate concerning the "cromnibus" bill.
So, here we are with the GOP infighting debate about "nominations" instead of a united fight against Obama's amnesty. Gee, why would Dems push that?
GOP Establishment and Dems are blaming Ted Cruz's point of order and forced immigration vote on Reid's pushing his nominations forward.
Sen. McConnell has known for weeks that Sen. Reid planned to move forward on these nominations. Maybe he failed to inform his caucus. It was very clear Reid never intended to adjourn without jamming his nominations. Everyone on the Hill knew it but is pretending otherwise to smear Cruz and Lee.
My question - Why are Republicans so bent on attacking Ted Cruz and not the Obama Administration?
Ted Cruz Forced the Senate to vote on Obama's Immigration Plan. He won by putting Republicans on record.
“While the Senate considers the CRomnibus spending bill, all we've done was simply request to hold a vote on a measure to stop President Obama's amnesty,” Cruz said in a Facebook post about his and Lee’s efforts on Friday evening. “Instead, Majority Leader Harry Reid is holding a series of votes today for the sheer purpose of blocking that vote on Obama's amnesty. Harry Reid's last act as Majority Leader is to, once again, act as an enabler for President Obama, by blocking this vote on the President's amnesty. He is going to an embarrassing length to tie up the floor to obstruct debate and a vote on this issue because he knows amnesty is unpopular with the American people, and he doesn't want the Democrats on the record as supporting it.”
As Mike Lee says in this video - "It would have been political malpractice for Reid not to do confirm the nominees before the year was over."
Nice try GOP Establishment. Anyone believing your lies are who Jonathan Gruber was speaking to -"stupid".
If you want to watch the continued proceedings.