Originally Posted by Pressing-On
David, You do realize that the Grand Jury sat and looked at the "full" evidence before them and weighed that against the law?
Uhm, no. The Grand Jury looked at the evidence which the Prosecutor (who works daily with the NYPD) wanted them to see. Not only that, but they heard 2 hours of testimony from the DEFENSE attorney, something which is typically not allowed in Grand Jury proceedings. No wonder the overwhelming majority of grand jury cases against police go unprosecuted. It's a stacked deck. The Prosecutor gives as little evidence as he wants, since he works with the police dept on a daily basis; and the defense doesn't have to worry about the case going to court.
You all want to compare this to Ferguson, well the Defense never stood before the Grand Jury and the Prosecutor truly did allow all evidence to be shown there. Not the same in Garner's case.