Re: D-Day for Michael Brown Grand Jury
Why was the prosecutor attempting to stay neutral? That's not his job. The job of a prosecutor is to create a narrative that would lead to indictment.
Presenting "all the evidence" to the grand jury and then having the grand jury make a decision is not how it is normally done. The problem with this situation is that the prosecutor decided not to do what is NORMALLY done.
If the prosecutor did what he's supposed to do and the case ended up in a trial, then at least, there would be an opportunity for cross examination and for both sides of the story to be presented. And then, a jury can decide the verdict.
Why did the prosecutor not do what is normally done???
Of course, this by no means excuses the looting and all, but as far as the process was involved, it was botched against the deceased dude.
Granted, the verdict might have still gone the way of officer Wilson if it ended up in a trial court, the prosecutor should still have done what is NORMALLY done.
That's where my grievance is with the process...
I don't think the justice system in America is fixed against african americans, but the way the prosecutor handled this case further substantiates the fact that there is a possibility the system in Ferguson, MO is biased against the african american community.
At the end of the day, the prosecutor did not do his job.
...Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ...(Acts 20:21)
Last edited by TGBTG; 11-26-2014 at 12:12 PM.