Originally Posted by NobodyImportant
This has been going on in some churches for a number of years.
The dowel rods (stick thing) was ignominously called "Stick it" by members of our old church. It was okay to watch at first, but felt like it was more of a show eventually and not terribly inspired IMO.
I enjoy good music, but do feel that when people are just dancing and not doing it for the Lord, then it is plainly carnal.
On a side note, Bro Stoneking once said "We may start out in the flesh, but we can end up in the Spirit" so with that in mind it is certainly possible for it to become towards the Lord. I just would not want to see it degraded to become something that is charismatic and ungodly.
I think it's hilarious that these two words automatically go together on this forum.

Charismatic just means believing in the supernatural gifts; it is always used on this board almost as a bad word.