Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
I raised 3 daughters. Our choice was no vaccines. There were some battles with the schools but we by Gods grace overcame. Thank YHWH my kids were shielded from disease as well as the vaccines.
I met a woman some years back who laid the blame for her daughters autism on the vaccine she was given. I work in a setting with mentally disabled people. No telling how many lives were harmed through them.
So it can be done but I think the laws and school policies are probably tighter now than in those days in the 80's. It would really be important to see what the state is able to do if you do not. You dont want to risk losing them to the state.
Pray as has been said for wisdom and for Gods power and guidance. I will pray this night. Blessings to you.
I do believe God gives grace to His people. Not to say we won't get sick, have diseases or die, but even if that happens, He gives grace and strength.
Fortunately, here in Arizona, we have charter schools. My daughter is in Kindergarten at a charter school, and all they require is for us to sign a paper stating we are not vaccinating her. If it came down to the state forcing us to vaccinate or us lose our children, we would vaccinate and I believe God would protect them from harm.
Part of my wife's indecisiveness is that our daughter received several of her immunizations, including the DTaP and MMR we've read so much bad about. IIRC, she received all scheduled for her first year and we haven't since then. Thankfully, she's very healthy and has only been sick once thus far. She's had allergies (sneezing and coughing) now and then, but nothing prolonged or worrisome.