Originally Posted by good samaritan
Why do gays not look at it like Aquila and say I do not need the government to sanction our union. Marriage is sanctioned by God not the U.S. so why do homosexuals want their unions to be recognized. By saying we need to keep our christian values out of government, in essence, we are really saying I don't care if someone else builds our nations value system.
I'm not saying that we need to keep Christian values out of government, I'm saying we need to keep all RELIGIOUS values out of government. No religious value system be it Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, etc. If we don't, we'll have a nation wherein second marriages are prohibited, buying and selling of pork is prohibited, women not wearing burkas are penalized, no business will operate on Saturdays, and restaurants are only allowed to serve fish on Fridays.
Constitutional values are easy. Protect life, liberty, property. If something doesn't endanger another's life, liberty, or property... there is no reason for the GOVERNMENT to be involved.