Originally Posted by Sean
Brother GS, The Law is ended for the believer(notice how you just built a doctrine from the Law....Numbers), WE are now priests and Jesus is our High Priest. There is NO man to tithe to in the "stead" of Jesus in N.T. scripture as far as ministry is concerned. We can give to one another though, and Jesus will consider it giving to Himself.
You saw my point right?
The ministry today, considers themselves as intercessors and priests to the saints.
That is segregating themselves as "clergy" or "representatives" of God to the "carnal" laity.....
Ask any of them...they teach that they are the Levites and the saints are Israel. They teach this nonsense to fool the saints into submitting and 'stay down" spiritually, remaining spiritually ignorant and never reaching the potential as true elders of the church.
I built no law in Numbers, but only made a point based on your comment "if we should tithe to anyone we should tithe to ourselves."
I am not making commands or orders at my local church you must tithe nor do I even mention giving except on very rare occassions. Tithing is a method that people througthout the ages have chosen to give and I don't think it mandatory, but I do think it is a good way to discipline yourself to give. If I only gave on impulse my giving would be far less, but by tithing I practice puting God first in my finances and it is a personal decision for men and every other person who makes. As far as heaven or hell that is something everyone will answer to God for personally.