Originally Posted by UnTraditional
Rereading the anti-tithing posts on here makes me really cringe about how little people love God. I am serious. God can have everything but our money. Oh no! That's MY money, and heaven knows that church doesn't need My money. I mean, after all, why should I give MY money to a church...
Because tithing is giving unto the Lord. Folks, don't let these anti-tithing thieves rob you of the principle of tithing. It is a principle that was established before the Law, continued in the Law, and encouraged in the New Covenant as a work of Abraham. When these anti-tithers stand before God, they will stand with stained garments, because they held back from God and encouraged others to do so. God must be first in our lives, including in our finances. When we put anything before God, we become idolaters, plain and simple.
I don't care what people say, God should be first in the believers lives, in every area. Paying tithes is a blessed worshipful experience, and I promise you, those who do so by faith will not go without. Those who refuse to put God first, I question seriously their salvation. Every anti-tithing excuse I have read on here is purely carnal in nature, even when they manipulate scripture in order to do so. Discern it according to the Word and Spirit. Their entire reasoning for not tithing is because they do not want to give up their money, because they have the nerve to think it is their's. Straightforward, if we do not surrender all to Jesus, He is not truly Lord of our lives. Those who are anti-tithing do not have Jesus as Lord over all, and have Him, in their minds, sharing the throne with themselves.
IN one call, all those who are against tithing, they need to find a place of repentance for not putting God first. As a former anti-tither myself, I had to repent of many things, and this included not tithing. Those do not tithe are not putting God first. Jesus is worthy of the first and best, not leftovers of what you feel you should.