Originally Posted by Aquila
Very true. Remember, it would be hard for a libertarian (small "L") to gain traction in the very conservative Republican Party if he was perceived to be soft on homosexuality and/or drugs & crime. Republicans by and large still believe in a big brother government that regulates our private moral choices.
For me, I really relate to the Libertarian Party. However, I still believe in more government intervention than they do. And I definitely believe in more military intervention than they do. Lastly, I support a Flat Tax over a Fair Tax. So, while I really relate to much of the Libertarian Party... I'm drifting back towards the RNC, only with a libertarian bent.
Right, I am part of the Republican Party with a Libertarian bent, although I have been voting as an Independent. So, maybe we are just Independents.
Frankly, we're talking politics. Why would the Republican Party want to be perceived as the party that doesn't want gay voters voting for them? Why not support the rights of an interracial gay couple to marry and defend their tax free Marijuana smoke shop with automatic weapons??? lol!
Tax free? Why tax cigarettes and not marijuana?
How could a party that has it's basic foundation or planks as a Judeo-Christian belief system support gay marriage? Note that I say the planks of the party and not how many have represented us.
The Constitution Party has a much stronger stand on a religious basis than the Republican Party.
And before we get into a debate over our Constitution not being based on that belief system, I would refer back to John Adams quote - "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people."
Why can't Republicans truly believe in a smaller Constitutional government, personal liberties, private business, free market capitalism, low taxes, and gun rights?
Well, you probably have your answer if you worded your question as - Why can't the "Establishment" Republicans....? If you worded it that way, you wouldn't have to ask the question, really.