Originally Posted by Esphes45
The BIBLE says you should WORK with YOUR hands, not take from from other hands! Stop robbing the poor people! The bible speaks of giving cheerfully being obligated is not cheerful. Especially when your own kids need to eat. If the Pastor has so much faith, why don't he pray for food?
All I am saying is IF TITHES were justified now (which it is hard to justify support unless you piece meal scriptures together) it would not necessarily have to be paid with MONEY.
I would love to read this justification you speak of. I am definitely interested. I promise you I will read it with a open heart & mind.
The Pastor is working with this hand when he writes those sermons.
Stop robbing God!
If you do not want to give, then do not give, no one is forcing you, We are not pointing a gun to your head. cheapskate.
The Bible says that those who minister are to receive their living from their ministry. that is their job, you cheapskate go to a lawyer and ask him to provide you services without you paying a penny for them and let me know how well it goes for you.
I could write a whole book on tithing, but I seriously do not think it would be worth the effort, for you are already quite antagonistic to the tithing principle.
just go and enjoy your ice cream with the stolen tithes you have taken from a poor needy preacher.