Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
I saw a video and in the background of the video, it supposedly picked up another conversation.
My problem with that video is that the technology exists for those voices to have been dubbed into the video.
There is another video somewhere that was recorded by a woman and I am very interested in her eye witness account and her video.
Actually, I am more interested in the FBI's ongoing investigation into what happened.
My gut feeling tells me that the officer involved is going to trial. The facts aren't out yet, but the notion that the 18 year old was shot by the officer, in broad day light, multiple times, while his hands were up in the air-- I mean I hope there is more to the story.
Unless the "more" changes the "fact" that 18 year old was surrendering when he was shot, the more won't really matter.
If the officer shot an unarmed person who indeed had their hands up-- HOW and WHY?
How do you know his hands were in the air? How do you know he was surrendering?
Wasn't the story earlier that he was running away?
The autopsy seems to contradict all of your assumptions.
Listen any Christian should abhor racial tension. When I see some of the stuff that happened in the 1960s (corrupt cops pulling over blacks so whites could beat them and kill them, a church bombing, and even just the contempt from white to blacks)--it is appalling in the highest degree. It stirs anger within me. I want to go back in history and see true justice served, those wicked haters of mankind who thought it their right to take someone's life hanged publicly. JD if we love the Lord (thus love righteousness) then we will hate unrighteous, injustice, bribery, corruption of the justice system.
There is a huge difference in black culture now and then. While there are godly black now, and there were black thugs then, the culture is nearly a complete 180. Prior to and through the civil rights movement the black culture was very God centered. They were (generally speaking) a culture of hard working, godly people. With strong family values. One could make the argument that from the 20s to 70s it was the white culture which was corrupt, filled with idolatry, and superficial religion. The white culture of those 50 years led the morality of the nation to the cliff. (It has since gone over, led by all peoples- but my point here is white culture was more problematic to society at the time than black culture).
However since blacks have been fully liberated when they should have kept their values and followed such icons as MLK, they have allowed the hip hop culture to define the biggest segment of their culture. They still identify with their godly heritage but in a superficial way (like whites in the 20's-70's, and the entire culture from the 79's onward. American Christianity as a whole is deplorable). However they have bought into the glorification of the rap culture, treating women as whites and gladly proclaiming it. And the women (still generally speaking) have accepted it. They play the part. Each sex tries to be "hard" in their own right denying the ultimate need of the other and thus too many grow up without fathers which brings a snowball effect. The kids without proper godly fatherly council tend to become immersed in thug culture. Movies like Juice and Boyz in the Hood are what they identify with. Their heroes and icons are Tupac, Jay-Z, 50 Cent, (and females Beyonce, in older days TLC, and the like) all speaking a corrupt message of sex, drugs, violence, and above all selfishness. In the crudest terms while glorifying busting caps, selling drugs, and how hard they are.
As long as those people are the role models to the black community, they will not overcome. They have bought the lie. They are slaves to that victim mentality and therefore their ambitions are tied up in having material things, money, and worldly pleasures (all glorified by the hip hop culture) but sense they are told they'll always be held back, they don't get the education they need, life is a struggle, and they grow up to be thugs.
What the black community needs is to speak out against the rap culture. To look at Jesus first, but in a contemporary sense people like Ben Carson, Alan West, the multitude of good godly black preachers (not the TD Jakes and Creflo Dollars of the world) and black men need to be true Christians. Not just go to church on Sunday cause grand ma goes then get in their car and turn on 50 cent. That's not changing anyone. They drown out the word if life with the word of death.
The black culture can overcome their challenges if they are honest about them. Its not the white man's fault. No in 2014. This doesn't mean all racism is dead, but its dormant enough no one can hold back an educated black man with principles and ambitions.
So I rambling (and I think white culture has tons of problems too...because we have turned away from God, we push abortion, homosexuality, and porn....lots of problems with people when they suppress the knowledge of God).
So the point of the mini rant was this:
The riot we are seeing right now is the complete opposite of the 1960s. MLK and others would have never acted like these people, and if a man robbed a store then attacked a officer he would bear the consequences. The black culture has done a 180 from peacefully protesting the wrongful treatment of righteous people to violent rioting and looting over the death of a criminal (based on video footage and merchandise allegedly found on his person) who (allegedly) attacked a police officer. That is sad.
And as Christians doesn't our theology itself tell us that God will punish the wicked and that if someone breaks the law they will bear the consequences? Doesn't it further tell us that civil law is God ordained and they don't bear the sword in vain?
So regardless of whether MB robbed the store or not (which it seems he did), regardless if if he did anything else, if he attacked the police officer then he took his life in his own hands. While I am saddened at the death if any one (especially so suddenly at a young age) I have zero sympathy for someone who attacks a police officer and gets shot.
Now if inspite of all the evidence so far it comes out MB was surrendering and was shot callously then the cop should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. But based on what I've seen I don't think that's a believable story.