Originally Posted by FlamingZword
You obviously do not understand the concept that the Law provided guidelines and examples of what to do.
it is the principles of the law that we are to keep, not the letter.
you are still in kindergarten trying to learn the ABC's.
Brother don't get upset because someone points out an inconsistency in your view. Discussing things in a respectful manner can be beneficial for all of us.
Bro Rudy has a great point, exactly what principles or teachings about tithing are we to use? Seems like the only thing pro-tithers want out of the OT Law is the percentage and ignore everything else.
If we carry your statements out to their logical conclusions then when you say that the Law us the elementary things, the foundation, the ABCs of our faith and that's why the tithing commandments are not found in the NT*, then it is right to ask you WHICH of those tithing commandments still stand since obviously most are ignored AND in fact several are impossible without a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and Levitical priesthood.
Its an inconsistent hermeneutic. Its self refuting because it makes no sense. Unless you can explain why some laws stand, some are to be taken by principle, and others do not apply, consistently with scripture, then you have no case.
*=This is in reference to your misapplication of
Galatians 3 and a paraphrase of statements you've made recently on this thread.