First off, Hi there Rev. Benincasa! It is good to see you here.
For those that don’t know, I have a 6 year old little boy who was born with Super Ventricular Tachycardia (hope I spelled all that right).
He made over a dozen emergency room trips and another dozen or so hospital stays over the course of his first 5 years.
Many of you on AFF prayed many prayers for him and I am humbly grateful that you would pray for my boy. Thank you.
When he was 18 months old, he came within a hair’s breadth of dying. We had no hope whatsoever that he would survive the night. It was a terror I cannot even begin to explain. People here prayed. He not only survived but the next day, no one would have ever known he was that close to death.
1 year ago on June 15th, Jack had surgery to kill the electrical node in his heart that was causing his heart to race (at times over 300 beats per minute).
For 5 years, the Dr told us when that happened he would have to have a pacemaker. The physiology of his heart being somewhat different (he has a Left Superior Vena Cava), there just was not supposed to be room for both the good node, and bad node so when killing the bad node, it was not possible to avoid damage to the good one (the good one makes your heart beat).
I should also say that the reason we did surgery when we did was because the meds he was on to control his heart rate were starting to impact his thyroid. That becomes a lifelong problem if left unchecked.
Well, the 3 hour procedure turned into a 5 hour procedure but in the end, they got the bad one, didn’t harm the good one and Jack didn’t need a pacemaker! God is good...
Jack started kindergarten a 6 weeks after surgery, hit the ground running and never looked back. He has not had a bad heartbeat since.
2 weeks ago he had an appointment with the Dr related to his thyroid. Everything is working perfectly. He has been released. There are no issues. God is really good.
Last week he went to his bi-annual Cardiologist check-up. These checkups have a price tag of $5,000 each due to the tests they run.
The Dr. this time around decided the tests weren’t necessary and told us he would see Jack back in 1 year! God is really really good.
He has gained 7 lbs and grown almost 4 inches since surgery 1 year ago.
Last night we went to prayer meeting. Jack decided to give a testimony. He thanked God for his heart surgery.
Thank you all once again for the prayer for my boy. He is a joy and a blessing from God and a living walking miracle.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!