Originally Posted by n david
Cruz would make a great Gov...and President. I still #standwithRand if he runs. I saw the GOP dealt a blow to Paul's structure in Iowa by replacing the State Chairman who was a Paul supporter. Hope this isn't a sign of things to come from the GOP.
I read that some people believe he'll be the next President. I'd rather have a true conservative.
I was very disappointed in Jason Chaffetz jumping on the bandwagon of a Romney re-run. I do see that Jason is returning the favor when Romney endorsed him for Congress in 2008.
Don't they understand that even though the polling (Quinnipiac) shows that Romney would have done better than Obama, Romney's favorability is only 45%. That is less than the 47% who voted for him, which didn't get him into the White House. Even with Obama's bad rating approval at 40%, Romney is still below his voting percentage.
Originally Posted by n david
Just read the money trail article....what a mess. Did I understand this right -- Cochran lives in a DC mansion with his Executive Assistant and her husband or just her?
Interesting how these billionaire's will give money to both sides in hopes of a payoff. In this case, I agree with the article that it's likely immigration.
Yes, I agree, it is likely Amnesty the Dems support in any Republican candidate. And the article points out that Breitbart reported Cochran's pro-Amnesty support.
More than the money trail, which I think we all knew this was going on, is this part of the article on the "messaging":
One last irony of ironies. The Mississippi Conservatives PAC is headed by a Republican National Committeeman from Mississippi, Henry Barbour. One of the smaller contributors to the PAC — Sally Bradshaw ($1,000) — is, along with Henry Barbour, the co-author of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus’s “autopsy report” analyzing what went wrong for the GOP in the 2012 elections. (Ms. Bradshaw, incidentally, served as chief of staff to Jeb Bush and managed two of his three gubernatorial bids. “While not his ‘brain,’ she’s the closest parallel to a Karl Rove that the former Florida governor has,” one source told Politico.)
Among other things the RNC autopsy report Barbour and Bradshaw authored talks about “messaging.” Suffice to say, the message from this latest controversy over the donors who supplied the cash for the Mississippi Conservatives primary and runoff — cash used to play the race card against fellow Republicans — will be received. And not well.
Just to name a few of the conservatives that the GOP turned against:
Joe Miller - AL
Allen West - FL
Ken Cuccinelli - VA
Kevin McDaniel - MS