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Old 07-04-2014, 10:06 PM
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Delivered from the world.....

God delivered me from the bondage of this world 10 months ago. I want nothing to do with the things of this world but I find my own Apostolic family is in bondage in it. What do I mean? I'll do my best to explain. In the 20 plus years I was backslide and my family remained in church, they have gravitated to the things in this world. For example, I live with my dad and stepmom, they spend all their time in front of the tv. They use slang or even cuss like it's nothing. My dad is a jail minister and my stepmom a Sunday school teacher. Yes, I pray for conviction to gripe their hearts. My dad thinks all is well, my stepmom lives in depression.... Me? Well, all is well. My husband is in jail, right where God put him. So I will stand on God's promise concerning him. My one and only son has a call on his life and he is running, once again, I will stand on God's promise concerning him. In the last two months I have seen the dead raised, God has given me a truck, my license, and 6 months of insurance, I couldn't possibly list all that God has done in time period. I know I have gifts, I have the gift of faith. I am convinced there is NOTHING too hard for the Lord. I am CONVINCED He can do what He has promised. I am part of 2 jail ministry teams, I have a burden for the inmates. So what is my problem? I mean God is opening doors for me that I never imagined, I never would have guessed God would use me like He has. I have a love for the Lord, I tell everyone and anyone that will listen what the Lord has done for me. He spared my life the night He delivered me. I was going to end it.... I asked the Lord to do for me what I could not do for myself, He went above and beyond, I was homeless, a junkie, a whatever I could do not to think or feel, BUT GOD came and set me free. So what is my problem? My parents are slaves to this world and I can't tell them anything because they are blinded and what do I know. You would think I could just move out but I assure you, that's not God's plan at this moment as I feel the Lord loves me but I am waiting on Him. I spend all my time by myself, well I know the Lord is always with me but I crave fellowship, church, worship with others. I know there is power in numbers. I no longer facebook, in 10 months I do not watch tv, I got delivered from the world not to go back, I don't do any social media.... I listen to Apostolic sermons, yes, only men of God FULL of the Holy Ghost, read the word, listen to the word, pray..... but... I don't know what the but is... lol.... I know soon my husband will come home and I know God has work for him as He has let me see it.... but I long for interaction with others who have a love for the Lord.... I feel as though I turn others off by my favorite topic.... Jesus... I am in awe of Jesus and how He loves me.... somebody just pray for me some courage while I wait upon the Lord and how to handle the other situations I am in. Don't get me wrong, ALL IS WELL, I know my King, I know He has a plan, I know the answers are coming, I know that my family will be restored to their first love, I just pray it's soon. I can only believe if me, dad, and ma would team up and be on the same page, just how much more powerful our bound together prayers would be. Thanks for letting me ramble.....

Last edited by mendybug5; 07-04-2014 at 10:24 PM.
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