Originally Posted by Sean
You need to see my explanation of the Godhead. it works just fine with the above passage. I can post it or you may go look at it.
Let me know if you want to see it.
Its under "oneness questions" on page 4 of the fellowship hall. (last post)
Not the slightest bit interested my friend in "your" explanation of anything.
How 'bout you explain how God gave Jesus the "revelation of Jesus Christ" if they are one and the same, or explain how Jesus "made us kings and priests to HIS God and Father" if they are one and the same and don't bounce around like that peddling preacher does every time someone puts a straight, copied and pasted passage down for him to explain what it means.
Nothing in this chapter remotely implies that Jesus and God are the same, but over and over it clearly separates the two from one another and defers Jesus to God.
It's there in front of you. Explain. It's infallible right? Go