Originally Posted by FlamingZword
Well I expected to have the New Testament finished by February 2012
But actually ended up publishing it in March 2013.
I published the Hispanic version 6 months later.
Since it was a rush job, I am currently working on revising the Hispanic Version. I expect to have the Hispanic version revision finished before the end of 2014.
I am also revising and adding to the Jesus name Appendix.
The Apostolic commentary will not be coming for a long time, (I have to finish the Old Testament part of "The Holy Apostolic Bible" first) I wish some apostolic brethren would get tired of using the Trinitarians commentaries and start working on an Apostolic commentary on the whole Bible, I am sick and tired of using the Trinitarian study tools, that is why I started "The Holy Apostolic Bible" so my brethren would not have to go thru the Trinitarian verbiage while studying the word of God.
I really wish some group of Holy Spirit filled Apostolic Men and women too, would get together and decide to create a good solid Apostolic scholarly Commentary on the whole Bible. If no one does, then when I have the time, sometime in the future, I will simply go back and finish the Apostolic Commentary I have begun.
I want to thank you for your contribution to the work of Christ. We received our copy of the Bible you sent. What a great way to introduce the name of YESHUA to the Apostolic Community!
I believe this will play a role in the modern day "Apostolic" Church.