Qualifications for License
I recently asked a group of 8 young ministers preparing to go before the board to get their ministerial license, how many of them were currently teaching home bible studies or doing some form of outreach? None of them were teaching bible studies or actively involved in outreach. Why on Earth would they be qualified to stand behind a pulpit and preach the Word of God if they are not living a Godly lifestyle?
I'm afraid we are way too into licensing young men for the fame of holding the microphone and we are leading people away from Jesus and leading them towards religion. We are quick to preach standards and slow to preach love. We need to get back to operating the way Jesus and the apostles did; willing to sacrifice our own desires and wants for the needs of someone else.
People are coming into our churches for help and we are sending them down to the food pantry that we send $50 a month to? My God help us....While reading the Bible last night I began to weep with conviction about ignoring the needs of others. We should be known for our love to one another and I have to say; Apostolic's aren't know for love. The Baptist Church down the road just came by Saturday and washed my car along with my neighbors cars, just to spread the love of Jesus.
I know this was scattered, but I just wanted to encourage someone else today go out and let your light shine. I don't care if im the only one in my church giving attention to the needs of the single mothers and poor thag visit us every week, I'm going to do it.