Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
Even Paul the great Apostle had men and women he gave credit to for helping in the gospel...No man is an island...we all need help...yet in our needing help we do not need somone to come and split the church! We do need a message from God right off the burning coals of the flaming alter and not some left overs that have nothing to do with the NOW and Present situation.
I believe in the 5 fold ministry...We need men to guide the camp that can see far beyond a vote...
Yet in all this I still believe God has an order...and the pastor is the highest office for the church...I do not think God will pass up the pastor and give the revelation to a saint...UNLESS the pastor is not right...God is a God of order...I am Brother Alvear's wife but it is not my place to sit the church in order and I probably work as hard as anyone for God to move here but if God speaks it will be through HIS order...and that does not mean that others cannot obey God. Of course they can! We have several people that are mightily used in the gifts...but even the gifts do not take away the pastor's authority...
Well this is just Mom Alvear's thoughts...
MOM has great insights.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.