They Loved Not Their Lives.
And the great dragon was cast out,that old serpent,called the Devil,and Satan,which deceived the world:he was cast out into the earth,and his angels were cast out with him.
And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,Now is come salvation,and strength,and the kingdom of our God,and the power of his Christ,for the accuser of our brethren is cast down,which accused them before our God day and night.
And they overcame him,by the blood of the Lamb,and by the word of their testimony;and they loved not their lives unto death.REV.12:9,10.11
Here we see in the book of Revelation that those who follow the Lamb,overcome by the Lamb's shed blood and their word of testimony,and they loved not their lives unto death.
Many in times past and in recent times have given their lives in their following of Jesus Christ.
While we as believers follow Christ today we may not die a physical death for our discipleship of Jesus Christ,we still need to love not our lives into death.
When we follow Christ and His truth,we need to die to religious tradtions of man,in order to embrace Biblical truth.Error that is deep seated needs to die in us so we can go with God,so we can be sanctified by truth,so we can be in union with Christ,as Jesus prayed for His followers in His great High Priestly prayer in John.17.
We need to die out to own self wills so that Christ can be glorified in us,so that we can be His hands extended reaching to those who are undone.
We as believers are the Body Of Christ in the earth.
May we pray as our great Elder brother,father nevertheeless not my will but thine be done.
We need to surrender our lives unto death,in worldy pursuits,as Jesus Christ prayed and sought His father,so should we need to spend time in prayer and preperation so we can be effective ministers of reconcilation and be stewards of the grace of God,so liberally given to us by Our blessed Saviour.
If we care so little for things of the next life how can be salt and light in this life?
May we be as the disciples of old, and love not our lives unto death.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
Last edited by Scott Hutchinson; 02-21-2007 at 10:43 AM.
Reason: Typo Errors