In case you are wondering, I don't consider myself apostolic. It is a term to make people with low self esteem feel important about themselves. Apostolic is not a biblical term.
Your post reminds of Satan's tactics when he tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. Satan used a lot religious speak, but no scripture. I cannot find a single scripture to substantiate any phrase in your post. Meanwhile I'll go the Book, not the manual.
The leaven Paul speaks of in Galatians if the leaven of legalism. To paraphrase Paul, he asks the Galatians, " Why don't you choose to be led by the Spirit and so escapte the erratic compulsions of a law dominated existeence?
The Message Translation puts it this way in
Galatians 6:11-18
11 Now, in these last sentences, I want to emphasize in the bold scrawls of my personal handwriting the immense importance of what I have written to you.
12 These people who are attempting to force the ways of circumcision on you have only one motive: They want an easy way to look good before others, lacking the courage to live by a faith that shares Christ's suffering and death. All their talk about the law is gas.
13 They themselves don't keep the law! And they are highly selective in the laws they do observe. They only want you to be circumcised so they can boast of their success in recruiting you to their side. That is contemptible! 14 For my part, I am going to boast about nothing but the Cross of our Master, Jesus Christ. Because of that Cross, I have been crucified in relation to the world, set free from the stifling atmosphere of pleasing others and fitting into the little patterns that they dictate.
15 Can't you see the central issue in all this? It is not what you and I do--submit to circumcision, reject circumcision. It is what God is doing, and he is creating something totally new, a free life!
16 All who walk by this standard are the true Israel of God--his chosen people. Peace and mercy on them!
17 Quite frankly, I don't want to be bothered anymore by these disputes. I have far more important things to do--the serious living of this faith. I bear in my body scars from my service to Jesus.
18 May what our Master Jesus Christ gives freely be deeply and personally yours, my friends. Oh, yes!
Back to the KJV for a scriptural definition of what leaven represents...
In the mean time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. Luke 12:1
Care to drop the rhetoric and tells us what the Bible really says or do you want us to act like ignorant sheep and bleat every time you wave your staff?
Originally Posted by NobodyImportant
Well, I expected this post to generate a lot of ire. It is no shock.
I have found it easier to reach the lost than those who have been deceived by a strong delusion.
Someone commented on leaven. You are right and the leaven is spreading. Part of it is tv and what it does to the individual. That is leaven for with it the saints will continue to be opressed and not even realize it.
Leaven is the false doctrine that says that everyone is saved regardless of whether they believe the whole Bible or not.
I think I will stick with the Apostle's doctrine and forego anything that does not line up with that.
Hiding behind a clothesline? Hardly. My belief is not about the clothesline. The clothesline is merely for hanging out the wash.
Funny that some just can't stand that anymore, yet still consider themselves apostolic.