Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese
Originally Posted by n david
IMO, he made a mess of how he worded it. I understand his sentiment, but the way it's worded comes across as racist.
It is true, Planned Parenthood chooses the minority neighborhoods for their abortion clinics. And unfortunately, a disproportionate number of black men are in jails and prisons. Most for petty drug convictions.
Add to that the lack of family structure and especially the father figure, and it's no wonder their struggle and eventual demise.
Were they better off as slaves? No. That's just absurd. Were they better off when the whole family unit was together, working. Absolutely.
His personal sentiments and the way he chose to express his sentiments do not shock me one bit.
Prejudiced I might be, but people like him thinking the way he expressed himself is exactly what I would expect from people like him. He made the stereotype true-- not unlike other people in other circumstances in America.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."