I have been thinking and searching the scripture a lot about music for the last few months. Since we no longer fellowship with the UPC I am re-establishing (or trying to) myself on the word of God and trying to get rid of all the oppressive teachings of men that I have received over the last 20 years.
OK, the Bible says very little about music, and yet is filled with music throughout, mostly for the purpose of worship, but not solely. I should start with some of the things that were crammed into my head as an adherent to the UPC:
1. Satan was the music leader in heaven and so he masterfully uses music to deceive us.
2. All music is worship, and if it is not worship to God then it is worship to something.
3. If music has a beat that makes you want to move then it is evil.
4. All syncopated music is of the devil.
5. All music that is in a minor key is of the devil.
6. If music doesn't bring the presence of God it is of the devil.
7. There is no such thing as "Christian" rock and roll. The term rock-and-roll was a '50s term for fornication and any music called by the same name is of the devil.
8. If a song doesn't mention the name of Jesus (in some form) it is not a Christian song.
There are more, but this is probably a good start. The problem is, none of these teachings are in the scripture. The Bible does not differentiate between "good" music and "bad" music, but does give a glimpse of music used for "good" (worship) and music used for "bad" (Nebuchaznezzar, at the sound of .... bow down and worship the image). So, apparently music can be used for either. We did not get the "bad" music recorded from the Babylonian King so we don't know if it was in a minor key, had a syncopated beat, or was rock style music, nor did it have words (meaning of course all classical music is evil).
A couple of things I have just picked up personally that I wanted to sun by everybody.
1. Music is another way of dialog; another way to communicate a message to another person or communicate with God. In this way, music is no different than other form of communication. We use communication to talk to God (prayer), but we do not limit communication to prayer only, we use communication for many purposes. Communication is not evil if every dialog does not have the name of Jesus in it, nor do we condemn a conversation for its tonal qualities or meter. People who teach the doctrines above tell us that music is only supposed to be worship to God because that is all we see in the scripture, but if this holds true then all communication should be about Jesus as well because all the communications in the scripture are only about God. We have to be careful what we deduct from the Word of life.
2. I can't prove this with scripture, but being a musician most of my life I can testify to the fact that people receive messages put to music in a way that dialog alone does not always produce. It seems that music enhances the ability to communicate a message. Experts in elementary education tell us that children will remember things that are put to music faster than they will things that are just taught verbally. Some say this is just a memory issue and that music triggers the memory in a way that verbal instruction does not. I think this gives us reason to sort the music we listen to by the message that it communicates. For instance, I should filter out any music that teaches or glorifies actions that are opposed to scripture, or of course songs that are openly satanic or worship of other gods.
3. And what about Christian liberty? Since I left the UPC I have tried out several types of music and several bands that I was told were evil, only to find they were not all bad, at least for me. I find also that my wife does not share my liberty with all of this music. There are some bands that are listed as "Christian" that for me bring a presence that is not the presence of God, and being an ex-satanist this is not something I want to allow in my life. Then there is other music that has a good message that does not bring a wash of the presence of God, but does not bring any other kind of presence either; it is just sort of neutral (spiritually speaking), but the message is either positive or encourages correct behavior. So, where Christian liberty is concerned, should I be able to listen to music according to my conscience? Is
Romans 14:22 in effect where music is concerned?
Am I missing anything? Please, I just want Biblical thoughts and real spiritual experiences here ... if you want to bash me for my "backslidden" thinking, please consider posting in another forum.