Originally Posted by philjones
While I agree with your post in principle, I think you have to be careful with using this as a global test. We had a family friend that was like an uncle to me. He exhibited all of the things you listed above PLUS strong discipline in personal areas that are not listed here. By your absolute measure he woujld have been living a life in accordance to God's will! Unfortunately, Tom was an agnostic at best and leaned heavily toward atheism.
What say ye about the absolute measure?
I say the fruits of the spirit are a better measure of a person than sleeve length and other standards, although I am NOT against personal convictions and standards. I think the global test has several parts - the fruits of the spirit, the essentials of the Apostolic doctrine, consistency in ethical behavior of the daily walk. If your family friend did not have a relationship with Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit, then his "love, joy, peace" and the other "fruits" wore thin somewhere in this life - even if you didn't see it publically. The absolute measure can't be seen. It's somewhere in that sphere where Jesus Christ is the discerner of the thoughts and intents.