Originally Posted by SomebodyImportant
NI, what can be wrong with preaching to other denominations??...I am not saying that we can necessarily come in and feed them all of "the message", but it does open up a dialogue. Also, I have known oneness preachers who were invited to AOG or COG or even Baptist and they were given a chance to preach Acts 2:38 and the oneness of the Godhead, etc. Then others converted and came to the Oneness Church, got baptized and stayed in the Oneness Church. What could be wrong with this? The Oneness person did not change the other person did.
While I am not wholly opposed to preaching in other denominations, I am opposed to opening our pulpits to them. That is (sorry for not clarifying this) my major concern for if we do, then we invite a lot of false doctrine which should not be allowed.
Regarding those who have been invited, some of them went towards those same groups that they tried to reach. That presents a whole set of other problems.
What good does it do us if we reach one, but lose several to the other denoms because of their feel good beliefs? Shouldn't this rather be avoided?
Again, these are my own personal feelings. You may not agree, but I feel them to be right within the context of the Bible.