Re: Divorce?
just an observation here, as i have never been married; i'm mostly struck here by his abandonment of her (in spirit), but y'all are discussing her possible separation from him. They are already separated, and he has instigated this. While i feel sympathy for him, a perfectly legit view is that he has decided to now take advantage of the relationship for as long as she will enable him to do so.
Scripturally speaking, he has no right to deteriorate his body, which belongs to her, or to abdicate his position as the head, and it seems obvious that nothing will change until she changes it. Ma'am, you might consider that spiritually and emotionally disengaging from him for a time would essentially be bowing to his will and desire--move into the spare room or something, and stop changing his diaper for awhile, imo. He is also a child of God, and God does not need your help here, possibly.